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Writer's pictureKatrina Ramsey

Christmas Getaway

So the holidays have came and gone and it was another great time with my crew, we celebrate Christmas and had decided few years ago to stop going crazy on the material things and to start getting our kids a few things that they need and a couple things they want and then there big gift would be a family trip and this year the trip was Massanutten Ski resort in Virginia its a beautiful place in the middle of the mountains with tones of things for the kids to do. We only stayed 3 days but it was perfect!

While we were there we explored a lot and went for a few walks through some trails and of course went to the indoor water park! Richard and I are kids at heart so we had a blast! But first let me back it up a little.

The morning we were suppose to leave to go to Massenutten, Kyra woke up with a stomach bug and was puking half the morning before the sun even started coming up, it was awful here we are trying to load up the cars ( I packed everyone's stuff the week before!Whoop go me!) and Kyra is laid up on the couch with a trash can beside her. I felt awful but we made the choice to risk continuing to go anyway. On the way down Kyra puked three times! Mind you as soon any virus hits my house my anxiety and OCD goes to 1000! So I had Lysol and hand sanitizer in the car telling the kids to sporadically spray and add hand sanitizer for there own good and my internal nervous breakdown I was having about anyone else getting sick. Once we got to Massenutten we stopped at the grocery store at the bottom of the mountain and of course the liquor store cause... Well hell do I really need to explain!

When we got there Rich got Kyra laid up on the couch thankfully she had stopped puking and the virus was at its end,but she was still not feeling the best. We decided to spend the evening relaxing in the cabin, Rich even lite a fire. It was just what we needed.

The next day we woke up early because we had a timeshare appointment that morning, One of our family friends has a timeshare with Massenutten and offered us a three day trip FOR FREE if we went to this 90 minute timeshare appointment that we really didn't know much about honestly but we heard and seen FREE AND TRIP and we were sold! Anyway Xzavier and Na-Shira didn't want to go with us but Luna and Kyra of course had no choice so we got them ready and we went and got something to eat at the Virginia BBQ and pizza shop that was on the resort. We got breakfast and ohhhh my goshhhhh! It was amazing! I got a omelette with lots of veggies and PULLED PORK, yep you read that right P U L L E D P O R K, we aren't big on pork or beef and could count on one hand if not none how many times we eat it a month but when I seen that as a option there was no questions asked I had to try it, plus I love bbq! Rich ended up getting a breakfast sandwich and we got the kids pancakes and eggs While we were waiting for our food we met with the timeshare guide guy who was really nice. We got our food ate and dropped the kids food off to them (even though they were still sleeping) then the travel guy( I suck at names so travel guy will be his name) showed us around the resort and showed there finest condos that was still to small for our family and out of our price range, it has been around 2,5 hours now and at this point I'm annoyed and feeling like I'm ready to snap and wanting to run out the door. If any of guys have ever experience this you get where I'm coming from, so long story short we denied his offer and he asked if were interested in a different package that was cheaper at this point I'm starring blankly at Richard and done talking cause another almost hour has almost passed but Richard new my goals for our family and was like lets see what the next package is so again long story short this woman gave us in offer we couldn't resist and WE BOUGHT IT!

As much as we travel and as much as we want to travel more it only made sense.Our cabin when we stay at Massenutten using our timeshare, looks just like the one we stayed for our trip and was actually a few cabins down from us.

So because we bought the timeshare we got free tickets to the water park! Which saved us around $150! Whoop Whoop!Anytime I can save money I get excited! and with the cabin stay being free and now the water park tickets being free we ended up saving around $500!

F I N A L L Y we left the timeshare office and went home (well back to our cabin style villa) and let me add Luna and Kyra did awesome they didn't fuss to much and were pretty content most of the time.Rich and I were on top of the moon feeling extra adulty and kind of shocked that we just bought a timeshare on the way back to get the kids to go to the water park and we couldn't stop talking and thinking about all our future trips with the kids and of course without them.

Once we got back we got the kids and grabbed our swimsuits and towels and flew out the door to head to the water park, but then realized we were hungry so we found a really cool pizza shop about 15 minutes down the road from the resort, I'm mad I can't remember what the place is called but when we go back we will eat there again for sure and I'll get the name, anyway we stuffed our faces with pizza, wings and fries and then we were ready to have fun with our babies! Once we got back to the water park we all headed for the lazy river. Kyra usually takes a little to get use to the water, shes just naturally timid of things but she got right in and hung with Shira, I had Luna who loved everything about the lazy river till we got to the part were the water falls on your head she was not a fan of that at all, Rich and Xzavier and Shira hung with us for a bit and then they left and went for the water slides, the girls and I then went to the kiddie side of the water park so Luna could splash around, Rich and I switched so I could get my life flashed before my eyes on the water slides, they're so much fun but shewwww! I don't know if its because I'm older or what but I was screaming like my life was coming to an end! But I was having so much fun! We all swam for a while longer and then Rich and I watched the older three play and swim as we hung with Luna in the pool. Before we knew it hours had past and the kids Rich and I were beat! We headed home Rich lite another firer while we all got showered then we watched a movie and ate pasta and junk food and I had a glass or two of wine, oh and total side note if anyone decides to visit Massanutten the Dollar General that is down the road from the resort sales alcohol and for cheap like $5 bottles of wine cheap!

I just realized that Ive been rambling about all of the fun we've been having and our day to day I never told y'all what all was at the resort to do for fun whether you had kids or not.

Some of the things to do during the winter months are...

Skiing ( duhhh ) Tubing (which we were suppose to do but the weather stayed 55-60 degrees the whole time we were there so that didn't happen) Ice skating, indoor swimming( at one of the pools near your condo or cabin) hiking, snowboarding, mountain biking, zip lining ( I think that's weather permitted) plus so much more but I'm going to leaving you hanging in hopes that you go visit sooner then later whether its winter or summer, because this place is awesome also they have a few restaurants, while we were there we seen lots more things to do that are in the summer months we haven't gone in the summer but now that were TIMESHARE OWNERS (ekkk!!!) we will be!

Alright, my dear wanderlust and future wanderlust souls I'm going to head out cause its like 9:30 at night and all the kids are actually sleeping and my wine misses me,so if any of you have any questions on how much we spent total on this trip or about Massenutten Ski Resort fell free to messages me!

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